Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's in the genes kiddo

I'm in London this week visiting family and friends. I'm staying at my mum's and quite frankly, am being spoilt rotten, and not minding being the baby girl although I'm a ripe old 32 year old.

The love for vintage is clearly genetic; I'm sure scientists will soon discover the tique gene.... My grandmother owned an antique shop for a while and my mom has a great eye for antiques as well as thrift.

Here are some of my mum's finds. First is a pair of dressers she bought in the Isle of Skye (the most beautiful island in the world - off the Northwest coast of Scotland!). You can see they are quite sober; they are probably 19th century - and reflect the conservative tastes and austere religious aesthetic of the islanders. I think they are also pretty cute. The first piece is my mom's bedside table.

What is also rather delightful about these dressers is that you can tell they are from the Scottish Highlands. You can tell that from the second item of the pair. These dressers are shorter than most dressers - so that they could fit under the eaves (the slopey roof part) of the houses (farmers' cottages) in the area back in the day. The mirror part of the first piece was probably added at a later period. My mom bought these in a second hand furniture shop in the Isle of Skye. On a totally different note, here is my mom's gorgeous art deco walnut cabinet. She bought this at an antique warehouse in Glasgow next to the Clyde river. I love the colour. Aptly, the beautiful woman in the photo in the middle, is my grandmother, who had a love for all things antique.

In order to keep with the theme of Fortheloveofthrift, my mom has patiently obliged to model her two best thrift finds. She bought these in Blackheath, London at the local charity shop - Cancer Research UK, for £8 (or $15). They are made of silk, are reversible and she's had a ton of comments on them. I think she looks fabulous in them.

Tyra Banks move over, my mom is America's next Top Model!
First the blue side, very earth mother:
Then the ivory side, very stylish classic mother:
Then the black jacket, very sexy sophisticated classy mama:And then the pink side, a rather reluctant and giggly model, my "I-look-like-a-giant-strawberry" mother! I don't think she'll be wearing the jacket on this side.....

Jacket- thrifted

Style - model's own


  1. What a wonderful post today! I so enjoyed your mother's beautiful furniture, very pretty. The two dressers are so charming.

    But the real show stopper was your mom and what a good sport, modeling these beautiful jackets. Way to go mom! I agree...Tara we are so over you....look out Mom has arrived! I love the blue side of the jacket, very pretty.

    Happy VTT!

  2. What a fun post today! ENJOY Mum (beautiful gal)!
    And have you figured out how to get the dressers into your suitcase? Happy trip and VTT to you!

  3. I'm so jealous that you're in England right's the place I most want to visit! I love your mom's gorgeous furniture, and the beautiful jackets that she is modelling. Tell your mom that she is so pretty! Will you be leaving all of your clothes behind, so that you can stuff your suitcase full of treasures?!

  4. how fun getting to spend that time with you mom doing what you both and collecting!!
    those dressers are really beautiful...that patina is gorgeous.
    have a lovely day

  5. Your mom looks fantastic! Please have her send me her bedside table...its gorgeous!!! ha.

    Thank you for the ideas about the glass insulators. I love them! We like to entertain and that will be a great use for them with vintage plates. Thank you so much.


  6. I loved this post! Your Mom looks lovely in those jackets! And the art deco dresser....fabulous!

  7. These are lovely pieces of furniture. Your mother is such a charming lady. She wears the colorful jackets real well. Have a safe trip, and thank you for visiting my post.

  8. Fun post and beautiful furniture! Your Mom's a good sport who looks very good in those jackets-no wonder she get compliments! Excellent thrifting!

  9. Tell your mom she looks great in the hot pink jacket!

  10. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Interesting fact about the shorter dressers. Love your mom's jackets. The blue one is my favorite. Safe travels.

  11. Wow! What a fab mum you have! And it's obvious that you're inhierited a fantastic sense of style.

  12. I LOVE the antique dressers and I especially LOVE that no one has painted them and covered up that gorgeous wood.

  13. i love your dressers.. beautiful! and the jackets just awesome.. love the colours.. have a great weekend & happy VTT

  14. Your mom looks very regal in that black jacket...its gorgeous! And she is such a good sport!!
    The dressers are a fabulous find.

  15. I loved the dressers.... Such a lovely mother,her jackets are wonderful. Loved that ivory side. Happy belated VTT..have a wonderful weekend.

  16. What wonderful items! Thank your mum for sharing with, and modeling for, us!

  17. Morning!

    Thursday when you visited my blog and left me a lovely comment, I was internetless and running to the library twice a day just to get my bloggy fix going! Anyhooo - - - I didn't have time then to reciprocate, so am doing it now.

    Your mum makes a stunning model!!!

  18. pretty awesome dressers, love ur blog btw come visit
